Thursday, April 10, 2008

Benadryl Anyone ?

After my surgery the doctor said I had some nerve damage, this nerve damage has served as a good laugh for anyone that has witnessed the many parts of my body that due to neglect try to act out to get attention....oh we can see you Mr. my case a little to good.

The bottom one is not so bad...the top one however makes me look as if I have escaped from a mental institution.


emilyy said...

Lookin good Trev!!!! I have to say that I have never laughed harder at a picture of you. I think you need more then benadryl to help that little outburst.

Brynn said...

OMG get that picture off. Scary!!

Amelia said...

Wow...Trev looking good!! I think the bottom picture is my personal favorite!

Amie Fagg said...

we have downloaded these photos for permanent enjoyment-thanks for sharing your lip with the world!